
ECOstruiamo: Being Human, Being Citizen

1. The area is visibly subject to a physical and social degradation. The restoration of the cover plate can become both a social and urban regeneration of the area through three main functions:

- The covered square: a place for meeting, passage, exchange, relax;

- The bus and school bus parking area: furnished covered waiting area in particular for children who go to school;

- Playground: safe equipped spaces for the road game.

Planned actions:

• Colored and designed pavement;

• small green areas under the open skylights;

• rest areas with fixed tables and seat;

• equipped spaces and integrated elements to the structure as interagibili walls;

• insertion of lighting fixtures that increase the perception of safe place and also usable at night.

2. The edge of the structure causes difficulties for the collapse of the sidewalks and pavement.


• Platforms and raised walkways to cover the soil disconnections due to the roots;

• Elimination of sidewalks;

• Creation and expansion flower beds;

• Creation of a new package of the cover plate by improving the external image and by defining a new floor, for guiding the access to and use of the structure.

3. Roof problems are both technical and aesthetic and concerns, in addition to the fall of water and shattered skylights. Actions:

• restoration of the roof and skylights;

• creation of a roof garden better if practicable.

4. Lack of equipped spaces for public use within which to develop social cohesion among the inhabitants of the neighborhood.


• Creation of closed and/or semi-closed volumes to be possibly self-managed by the inhabitants of the area. The intended use and the type of artifacts will be decided depending on the real needs of citizens (spaces for the elderly, children, mothers etc.)

5. Open area for sports or street games: area not defined by any special equipment in order to allow free use especially to children, without causing damage or disturbance to other assets, but staying in a safe and healthy environment.


• colored spaces, equipped walls, pavement with drawings of games or areas for various sports, delimitation or fence with permeable elements such as sport nets.

6. Outside activities with relevant areas and refreshment areas: the project provides to create areas for users from other districts, in order to reduce the isolation and social exclusion of residents.

Possible actions:

• theater/cinema by creating a closed environment with the possibility, during summer conditions or busy times, to open and modify it with mobile items and seating;

• areas intended for laboratory work, such as carpentry or areas for the construction of furniture and equipment of the future site;

• dining area at the service of the local community.

7. In order to break the tunnel perception of the cover plate, it is necessary to create one or more transverse crossings, without interrupting the performance of surrounding activities.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

Modalidad Local social sustainability

Dirección Carbonara District, Santa Rita via Cascia
70129 - Bari
Bari (Italie)
