
Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica Passive House in Sondrio

The project in question, a total of 12 lodgings, aims to give a concrete answer to the housing problem in the Municipality of Sondrio.

The building is on n. 4 floors with 3 apartments per floor for a total of 12 lodgings, from medium to small cut.


Starting from the principle that he who builds in energy-conscious way saves money (use) and increases the economic value of the building Aler with this action has set the target of reducing energy consumption and pollution caused by traditional sources.

What is so special in a Passivhaus?

Everything is in the details:

1. the exceptionally high level of thermal insulation

2. Frames of well-insulated windows with triple-glazed low-emissivity

3. Buildings without thermal bridges

4. Enclosures of high resistance to air buildings

5. comfort ventilation with high efficiency heat recovery

A Passivhaus need for heating of a lower amount of fuel to about 1.5 liters of diesel or equivalently 1.5 m³ of natural gas (equivalent to 15 kWh) per year per square meter of useful surface, which translates into a savings of more than 90% compared to the average consumption of an existing building.

For comparison, a new building built in Italy in accordance with the minimum standards required by law still requires 6 to 10 liters of diesel fuel per year per square meter of usable area

It 'was created a' thermal insulation on the façade type thick coat 25 cm .;

It 'a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery controlled installed for ventilation and space heating.

It is also thought to an optimal utilization of renewable sources (in this case use of photovoltaic panels - 5.5 kW - and thermal panels for domestic hot water).

• very careful planning and scrupulous in every detail;

• Thermal insulation high performance of the walls, roof and glass surfaces;

• Adoption of controlled ventilation systems for energy recovery;

• Absence of emissions into the atmosphere;

• Very low operating costs;

• Maximum ambient comfort.


• External wall 0.12 W / m2K

• Cover 0.11 W / m2K

• Attic ground floor 0.13 W / M2k


• Uw 0.80 W / mK

• Uf 0.74 / 0.76 W / m2K

• Ug 0.50 W / m2K

• Air tightness of the building n50 = 0.3 / h

The energy performance required must deal with the demands of the constructed landscape and the natural landscape and requires some thoughts not only operational but also ethical.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

Modalidad Economic responsibility and sustainability

Dirección Via Scamozzi, 9
23100 - Sondrio
Sondrio (Itália)
