
the fascinating history of the garden in Vandoeuvre les Nancy's Louvain Square

To restore Louvain Square’s essential purpose of a meeting and recreational space and in order to improve local people’s living environment, it was decided to involve residents via consultations and participation. Stakeholders supported the project.


- March 2015: creation of a steering committee (JP3) by Batigère Nord-Est (the housing authority) (JP4) and the City of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy in order to invite participants of all backgrounds and hear their propositions. Anyone interested in the community garden project and willing to contribute could join the committee.

- Middle of May 2015: identification of civil service missions (JP5) dedicated to the installation and the management of the garden in cooperation with residents and other partners. Four young persons, the ambassadors, were assigned to these civil service missions: they were supported by the Jeunes and Cité (JP6) association that assists young people with difficulties of integration. Through their everyday tasks in the garden they were able to create their own professional projects.

- May/June 2015: appropriating of the future ground of the garden, purchase of all materials, communication.

- June 2015: the garden was beginning to take shape due to participation of locals and the contribution of partners. Vegetables, fruit trees and bushes, and herbs were planted.

- Summer 2015: tasks carried out by the youth of the civil service mission:

 Purchase of sport equipment and organization of activities (badminton, table tennis, football, treasure hunting) in the square in order to offer Wednesday afternoon animations and to tighten links between young people.

 Visiting local residents to explain the project and to invite them to participate in the gardening activities like watering the plants and harvesting. These actions create liens between the neighbours themselves and between neighbours and young people.

 At the request of the residents, implementation of a rainwater catchment tank in order to gain independence of watering. Compost was supplied too.

 Planting, watering and maintenance of the garden during the summer.

 Organization of a challenge and invitation to drinks called “summer party” (JP7, 8, 9 and 10).

 Workshops to make residents aware of the problem of wasting water.

 Building of pots for small shrubs using recycled wood pallets.

Spring 2016 - with the help of civil service volunteers:

- Building of pots for herbs available for residents.

- Creation of a “canipark”

- Installation of a rainwater catchment tank

- Installation of a composter

- Pursuit of Wednesday afternoon and holiday animations for children.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

Modalidad Local social sustainability

Dirección 11, rue Robert Schumann
Meurthe-et-Moselle (França)