
Working for the common good – “1.100 Stunden sozial engagiert” ("1,100 hours of voluntary work”)

The first step has been taken! Employees take the initiative ... In early 2018, over 200 emails were sent out to cooperation partners, volunteer agencies, GESOBAU’s network partners, daycare centres, schools, neighbourhood centres, etc. that are active on GESOBAU housing estates. Moreover, a GESOBAU volunteering database was set up, including concrete fields of action and specific tasks. In late February 2018, the internal volunteering database was uploaded on the portal (intranet) to give all employees the opportunity to find a suitable activity. The database contained specific projects and periods, as well as initiatives and requests for potential volunteers, which were subsequently or-ganised and coordinated by the “Social Neighbourhood Development” unit. In addition, the employees implemented their own project ideas and initiatives which they organised them-selves and carried out in partnership with social institutions, agencies or the local community.

Many teams also took the objective as a welcome opportunity to engage in joint activities and team days and do a good deed together, including giving a new lick of paint to a neighbourhood meeting place, working in the neighbourhood garden, organising a day trip with a school class, etc. A wide range of options was available. Although the organisational aspects are somewhat more complex, we are in a good position thanks to our Social Neighbourhood Development unit.

What are our achievements to date? What have we achieved together? By 31 December 2018, aprox. 300 colleagues had been involved in 94 activities in 54 institutions and initiatives. A total of 1,620 hours had been donated. Purchases were funded via the GESOBAU neighbourhood budget. In May 2018, the GESOBAU executive board resolved to pay EUR 25 for each hour of voluntary work and donate this amount to the GESOBAU Founda-tion in 2019. The funds will benefit non-profit institutions such as schools, daycare centres, youth and sports clubs, senior citizens initiatives in the neighbourhoods and GESOBAU tenants in need. The main beneficiaries will be those associations, initiatives and institutions which collaborated and established new links with GESOBAU and its employees during the year.

Examples (September, October and November):

- Employees organise a bake sale at the “open day” at the Pankow music school. The music school receives the income totalling around EUR 165. (Sale of around 330 cups of coffee and pieces of cake).

- 75 helpers, both young and old, come together to help the Pankow district office renovate the playground on Wolfshagener Strasse. Seven GESOBAU employees are involved and neighbours are asked to pitch in for the one-day renovation. At the end of the day, the old bark mulch and sand have been removed. Great work!

- On several occasions, GESOBAU trainees help out at a meeting centre for refugees in Wedding.

- The non-profit ‘Stolpersteininitiative Berlin’ gratefully accepts volunteers who help clean stumbling stones.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2019

Modalidad Empowering the team, addressing employees changing needs

Dirección GESOBAU AG
13439 - Berlin
Berlin (Germany)