Architecture Awards is willing to promote architecture from the filter quality of the events themselves, making it more visible on the network within a single web platform, thanks to new information technologies.
Architecture Awards adapts to each of the organizers, companies and public institutions and private entities, facilitates the organization and development of the awards, streamlines processes so telematics: call, registration, filing of documents, material for the jury, Opinion awards, award decision, assessment of the work, thus improving all communication channels in each of the phases or stages of the contests.
Organization Database in web environment all editions.
The integration of systems and processes enables Architecture Awards create a database of all editions of the awards.
Management Services throughout the process of the awards.
Provides a comprehensive way a telematics service platform for all competitions.
Automates processes: from submission of documentation to treatment within the portal and its applications.
Simplifying and modernizing the inscription made electronically.
Facilitates management control to ensure the correctness of entries; generate filtered according to the specifications of the search engine, according to type or category of participation, territory, assessment of the work (selected finalists and winners mentioned), from any field of the database listings.
Streamlines and automates the management of payments through a telematic system for registration fees, where necessary.
Improves information visibility for the jury, from the sustainability of processes. The jury may consider the presented work from anywhere and anytime.
Increase participation in the network to the valuation of the works presented awards from opinion or popular vote, with the criteria that each of the events creates more suitable to their identity.
Increases visibility of all work submitted to the archive database.