
Plan renewal of municipal colonies San Francisco Javier and Our Lady of the Angels

The municipal colonies of St. Francis Xavier and Our Lady of the Angels, both located in the district of Vallecas, were built between 1956 and 1958. In 1997, the state of deterioration of the building made the demolition of buildings occur, then replaced the set of the two colonies by a completely new organization created by public housing. To do a special plan was processed, and operation of relocation of residents began. The total number of resettled families is 1,031, most of the houses allocated in the same field being. In 2009, when the relocation was completed, the development works, which are currently close to completion were initiated. The new colony shall be composed of more than 2,000 homes spread across 20 buildings, which will have an advanced system of centralized heating and hot water, the District Heating has six boilers high efficiency, and a system of hydrogen fuel cells, a pioneer in production hot water and cogeneration in residential complexes. The colony also have a system of pneumatic collection of urban solid waste, collection boxes will be installed in buildings.

AVS Awards 2010

Modalidad Architectural conservation of public buildings


Dirección Distrito Puente de Vallecas
Madrid (Spain)

  • Federico Soriano
  • EMVS - Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo
  • EMVS - Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo de Madrid
  • ASCAN Constructora
  • CORSA Constructora