
“SPREAD OUR WINGS” because qualification does not have a gender!

It concerns a structured experience with two meetings among professionals and secondary school pupils during their years 9 and 10.

BATIGERE RHONE ALPES thus invited the students of LONGCHAMBON Secondary School in Lyon, a middle school which has the specificity of receiving young students who have recently arrived in France.

An initial period of exchange took place in the classroom in order to speak about a project completed with their professor concerning equality.

Each of the students commented on their panels concerning the theme of diversity which they had previously completed with their professor.

A second meeting took place on the premises of BATIGERE RHONE ALPES with the discovery of diverse jobs with teams of male/female professionals.

The students had to guess who was who among the professionals, then they filled out their passport of professions by asking questions of the professionals which were very committed to this action.

The morning finished up with a convivial buffet where everyone was able to get to know each other better and measure the importance of receiving the students in order to increase their representation.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

Modalidad Local social sustainability

Dirección 31 BIS RUE BOSSUET
69415 - LYON CEDEX 06
Rhône (France)