AVS, SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HOUSING AND LAND PROMOTERS, called the AVS 2010 Awards for best practices in housing. They chose the works carried out between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009 in the territory of Spain.
The primary objective of AVS is to encourage compliance with the constitutional mandate of providing all citizens access to adequate, suitable and sustainable housing in the context of a harmonious city without segregation.
Today more than ever is hard work and often unsung. Other agents involved in the promotion of social housing but nobody as we know the problems that enclose the management of social rent and promoting affordable housing we have done long ago. Our footprint is in the cities, in the beautification and regeneration of historic centers and neighborhoods, its equipment, its infrastructure and, of course, in the many citizens who have had access to housing thanks to this work.
We have announced the third edition of the AVS awards, which we wanted to give important diffusion through this book, to publicize those actions of the Public Sector in the "Best Building in New Work", in the "Best Performance in Field of Socio-Community Intervention "and the" Best Performance in the Field of Rehabilitation and Urban Renewal ".
These actions include, besides technical sustainability and social aspects of performance, such important topics as innovation in business or management methodology, good resource management, gender mainstreaming in their fields, citizen participation in project management and in social networks, economic recovery and the ability to generate direct and indirect employment in developing the program or action.
We hope these awards continue the work of publicizing our work, showing a good image of social housing and social intervention criteria of quality and respect for the environment not to mention efficient management and utilization resource.
President of AVS