AVS, SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HOUSING AND LAND PROMOTERS, announces the AVS 2013 Awards for best practices in housing. They can choose the works carried out between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012 in the territory of Spain. The registration period will open on October 14 and end on December 20, 2013.
In AVS Awards 2013 convened for the purpose, once again, to value and recognize the work done in the area of the city and social housing.
The Awards were established considering different policy areas in AVS are rated as priority, given the current context, and necessary to fulfill the right to housing for all Spanish citizens from a holistic and integrative perspective.
So Awards spanning six different activities are established:
"A Best Building in New Work"
"To the best Performance in the community social Scope"
"To the best Performance in the Field of Rehabilitation and Urban Revitalization"
"The best strategy to facilitate access to housing,
"A Park Management Effective Rental Housing" and finally
"A Diffusion and commissioning value of Proceedings"
Ultimately, these awards aim to assess the imagination, encourage good management and use of resources, we show how a stimulus to economic recovery and job creation, recognize the work and, of course, visible work a sector that has brought many values to the community and above all service to citizens.
Olangua Pablo Fernández
President of AVS