AVS consists of over 160 public housing developers and land belonging to the Local, Regional and State Administrations.
The primary objective of AVS is to encourage compliance with the constitutional mandate of providing all citizens access to adequate, suitable and sustainable housing in the context of a harmonious city without segregation.
It's hard work and little recognized. Other agents involved in the promotion of social housing but nobody as we know the problems that enclose the management of social rent, and the promotion of affordable housing we have done long ago. Our footprint is in the cities, in the beautification and restoration of historic centers and neighborhoods, their equipment, infrastructure, and, of course, in the many citizens who have had access to housing thanks to this work.
We want the public intervention is synonymous with "good work" so we have organized these awards, to publicize those actions of the Public Sector in Urban Revitalization, Housing and Sustainable Protected Urbanismoen which the common effort to stand out, quality , respect for the environment and efficient use of resources.
Hopefully with the effort of all, these awards are a benchmark of good work of public administration.